My name is Peter Liu. It’s spelled L-I-U. And I’m here in Monterey Park, California. That’s in the city of Los Angeles, California, the most beautiful state in most, in the United States and in the world.
Thank you. So, uh. What do you do now?
I work in sales. I work for a company called eFax. So I sell eFax to companies right now. That’s what my job is, to sell companies, to sell eFaxing services to companies.
Um. Thank you. So, uh, your family was originally, uh, came from. . . ?
Yeah. My family was originally from Taiwan. Yeah. And people from Japan might be familiar with where Taiwan is because it’s close by. And I came here when I was five. So I moved here, directly to Los Angeles and went to schools, went to public schools here and eventually went to high school, university here. And. . . and, um. . . that’s uh, that defines who I consider myself to be.
Hm. I heard you studied abroad in Singapore.
Yes, I did. I did through my uh, my university, University of California, Irvine. And they had a study-abroad program where you can go to any university in the world. So I wanted to go to Singapore. I narrowed it down to Singapore because out of, eventually I narrowed it down to Asia. But Asia, most of the countries, they teach their classes in their native language. And Singapore was one of the only ones that teach their courses in English, which I can understand.
This interview was done after his daughter's birthday party. And the interviewer found it very American and different from ones in Japan.
I think it’s very American, too. I think, um, I think not too, not too many countries where we can have a party like this for your kids. I think it’s little, little bit extravagant, too, to have such a big, you know, birthday party in such a grand scale for, for a baby that’s only two years old. But in part it’s thanks to the mother. But also, uh. . . It’s also I think in America, because people have more space in their homes, that they can have, host a big party like this where they can have a lot of friends, where they can have a lot of family. And, um. And it’s usually celebrated, you know, a lot of people with the kids they like to have it during the day, and they like to have it in the backyard, and there’s... we usually serve a lot of beer, for example. And we also have a taco lady. Uh, for those people in Japan who might not know taco—taco is, um, is a Mexican food which. . . . Mexico is right next to the United States so has a very big influence on, you know, the food that we consume here in the United States. So we had a taco lady here for all of our guests. And it was always great, it’s always great to have friends and family to come and visit us. So it’s always nice for us to... we like to have people over.